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Rigid flex PCB factory tells you Taobao’s “Double 11” is coming, are you ready for that?

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:3124Dated :11-08-2018 03:40【big well Small

On November 11st, China’s Single Day, in the past, it is a day for those single people, but now the day has become an E-commerce shopping Carnival.

Taobao’s “Double 11” Carnival draws people of all ages, and the promotions expand from Taobao and Tmall, Alibaba Group Holding's main shopping platforms, to other e-commerce giants such as JD, Suning and Amazon. Alibaba first turned it into an online shopping stunt in 2009, encouraging shoppers to pamper themselves. However, in recent years people started to find that, compared to being single, it's not necessarily easier to shop on this day.In 2017, Taobao’s “Double 11” sales revenue is up to RMB 1682 billion. The revenue is several times than “Back Friday”.

You may ask why so many people buy thing on that day? Rigid flex PCB factory tells the reasons for big sale and discount of online flag shop. On “Double 11”, you can buy things that are cheaper than regular days.

When “Double 11” is coming, are you feeling that you have so many things to buy? Now you seem lack of everything. 

After “Double 11”, actually, you may find the things you may not need.  Impulse is the devil. Anyhow, customers should have a rational consumption. 

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