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Health care PCB factory finds China's pavilion indicates designs on future developments

Article source:Editor:Sun & Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:2853Dated :11-01-2018 02:48【big well Small

On November 5th, the first China International Import Expo opened in Shanghai. The display will last 5 days. The exhibition aims to promote import and eliminate other country’s worries to China’s trade.

Let’s take a look at China's pavilion. The design of China's pavilion at the China International Import Expo is intended to show the drive to further expand the nation's opening-up policy, a government official said on Tuesday.

As the author of health care PCB factory know,  the pavilion, which covers 1,472 square meters, includes elements that display China's achievements since reform and opening-up was launched 40 years ago.

The display showcases the latest, incredible invention, the high-speed train network, including the Fuxing fleet of trains, and its first self-developed passenger jet airliner, the C919, are highlighted at the pavilion.

The display offers firsthand experience of the driver's cabin of the Fuxing train and showcases a model of China's latest supercomputer.

Also featured at the pavilion are details of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's longest sea crossing.

The display also features a freight service linking China and Europe, which has provided the Belt and Road Initiative with high-quality, efficient services.

The freight service connects 53 Chinese cities with 45 others in 15 European countries and regions, according to Chinese authorities.

The design of the pavilion also prior to the interpretation of China's development concepts, including innovation-drivedevelopment, a green development drive and greater efforts to protect intellectual property rights.

China's achievements in poverty reduction are displayed at the pavilion, in addition to details of efforts to push forward the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


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