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Multi-layer PCB:How 5G Satellite Becomes a New Communication Way

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:2466Dated :10-11-2019 08:40【big well Small

  With the acceleration of 5G era, mobile communication has realized massive interconnection. Compared with 4G, 5G data transmission speed is faster and the types of services supported are more diverse. In the field of satellite communication, 5G has huge application space.


  Photo: On September 10, 2019, the "5G Global Innovation Port" officially opened at the Bund Riverside in Shanghai North.

  It is understood that the port area is divided into four layers: the first layer is Shanghai 5G Comprehensive Application Exhibition Hall, which focuses on 5G network, technology, application and industrial innovation ecology. Through interaction with remote 5G scene applications, maturity testing and verification are provided for 5G innovation achievements. The second floor is a 5G joint creation center platform, which brings together 5G industrial chain enterprises such as Huawei, 5G Innovation and Development Alliance in Yangtze River Delta and other institutions, and will carry out joint innovation around the new generation of information technology represented by 5G. The third floor is the 5G+VSAT joint creation center, which is the research and development highland for building 5G+ LEO satellite communication network. The fourth floor is 5G innovative application in urban management and urban planning exhibition area.

  Among them, the 3-tier 5G+VSAT joint creation center has attracted extensive attention. When I first saw VSAT, many people wondered: What does VSAT mean? VSAT is a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VERY SMALL Aperture Terminal), which is an intelligent small earth station controlled by software and mainly works in Ku band (11 ~ 14 GHz). The emergence and progress of 5G technology has brought more possibilities for accelerating the realization of high-quality satellite communications.

  In July this year, the Ministry of Transport issued the "Outline of Digital Transportation Development Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline"), which explicitly promotes the deep integration of advanced information technology and transportation and the development of a modern data-driven transportation system. The Outline points out that in order to achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to build a digital collection system, a networked transmission system and an intelligent application system. It is also necessary to promote the deployment and application of vehicle networking, 5G, satellite communication information networks, etc. to improve the national highway communication information network and form a multi-network traffic information communication network.

  Under the guidance of the policy, 5G technology researchers and communication service operators have worked hard to explore new 5G satellite communication channels. In the past, the communication direction was that operators on the ground provided commercial networking services through iron towers, base stations and various router optical fibers. However, 5G satellite communication is like building a highway in the sky, connecting signals directly from the air to the sky above the target area, such as streets, balconies and roofs.

  So, what benefits can 5G satellite communication bring to people?Multi-layer PCB think, As is known to all, satellite communication has the characteristics of wide coverage, long communication distance, short communication delay, high data transmission rate, no terrain and geographical restrictions, and can realize wide area coverage that cannot be realized by mobile communication networks. Since the weight and volume of mobile terminals are almost the same as those of personal mobile devices, it is more suitable for mass popularization.

  From the point of view of subdivision, 5G LEO satellite communication is paid more attention by various countries. Low-orbit satellites, also known as low-earth orbit satellites, refer in particular to a collection of satellites with an orbit altitude of 200~2000km. At present, there are only three medium and low orbit communication satellite systems that are truly networked and operating, namely Iridium, Globalstar and Orbcomm systems.

  In the future, countries will actively seize new opportunities for LEO satellite communications based on Internet, 5G, Internet of Things and other technologies. With the deployment of 5G networks and the acceleration of Internet of Things services, more and more vertical industries and government customers, starting from actual business needs, require satellite and ground 5G networks to cooperate and complement each other to build an integrated information network with seamless global coverage.

  After the completion of the construction of the global 5G satellite communication network, it can provide 5G Internet services for regions, enterprises and institutions or astronomy lovers with a large population or complex topography. At the same time, it can provide safe, stable and fast dedicated satellite communication networks for government, research and development bases, observation stations and other facilities with large data upload demand. It can also provide a variety of services including communication, navigation, weather, aircraft status tracking and other services for private aircraft and passenger planes.

  As an important infrastructure of space information network, satellite communication system can effectively make up for the shortage of ground 5G communication system due to its wide coverage, good communication quality and low operation and maintenance costs. 5G satellite communication construction is of great significance to the development of global communication industry. Research on 5G fusion architecture of integrated satellites, consistency of air interface transmission and dynamic spectrum sharing between satellites and the earth have also gradually become the focus of researchers in various countries.

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