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Flex rigid PCB:Uber employees heading back to the office for half the time

Article source:Editor: Mobile phone view
Popularity:1380Dated :07-01-2021 08:24【big well Small

Uber, like many tech companies, shifted employees to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, as Flex rigid PCB factory know, Uber released plans to have workers head back to the office, but employees will have more flexibility as to when and where they'll work.

Uber office workers will be expected to spend at least 50% of their time in the office, though the company notes this could take shape in multiple ways. For example, employees could work three days in the office one week and two days the next. Employees can also decide what office location they'd like to work from, instead of having to return to the location they worked at before the pandemic. Uber says it's also setting up a process to let employees apply to be fully remote.

As Flex rigid PCB factory know that Uber began its slow reopening last November when it reopened its San Francisco office. To be within safety limits, the company limited the number of employees allowed at the building.

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