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Flexible PCB manufacturer tells you when people begin to drink beer!

Article source:Editor:Sun & Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:2707Dated :09-28-2018 04:27【big well Small

Beer is a drink which has a long history. Beer ranked at 3 in consuming drinking list. But do you know the origin of beer, and when people start drinking beer? Today, Flexible PCB manufacturer will uncover its mysterious veil.

The earliest proof of beer-drinking can be dated back to 9000 years ago.

The oldest beer was made by hawthorn fruit, Chinese wild grapes, rice and honey. It is even older than wine.

In the past, the consumption of alcohol may have helped people become more creative, and sometimes given people a reason to relax themselves.

Some researchers believe that these prehistoric people enjoyed getting married with alcoholic drinks for feast all year-around,not just when the grapes were ripe.  People even think beer is not only nutritional, but also a safe alternative to drinking water.

It was in the Middle Ages that malted barley became the main source of fermented sugar and beer became the beverage we are familiar with today!

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