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What Has Led to the High Advancement in Automotive PCBs

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:1102Dated :10-23-2021 07:02【big well Small

Over time, as Automotive PCB factory know that circuit boards have evolved as a tool for optimizing the production of electronic devices. Once manually assembled, what was once manually assembled soon paved the way for microscopic parts that required the accuracy and efficiency of machines. For example, let’s consider the diagram below. To the left is an older PCB for a calculator manufactured in the 1960s. To the right is a high-density motherboard used in modern computers.

The calculator PCB probably contains about 30 transistors, but there are more than one million transistors on one chip on the computer motherboard. The outstanding point from this comparison is that the rate at which technology and circuit board design itself has evolved is remarkable. Everything on the left image can now be accommodated by one chip on the right image.

As Automotive PCB factory know that advancements are being driven majorly by the super speed and functionality of electronics. Electronic consumers expect devices, especially hand appliances and computers, to respond rapidly – a few seconds delay sends users into fury. For functionality, consider video games. In the 80s, our predecessors were probably playing Pacman at the arcade. Nowadays, we are experiencing photorealistic representations of reality – virtual games. The evolution is simply amazing.

It is evident that PCB evolution is directly related to consumer expectations. Modern electronic users want faster, cost-effective, more powerful products, and the best method of meeting these expectations is miniaturizing and making the production process more efficient.


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