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Your Location:Home» Global Presence » PCB factory china---New income tax law will take effect on Oct 1.

PCB factory china---New income tax law will take effect on Oct 1.

Article source:Editor:Sun & Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:3027Dated :08-31-2018 07:28【big well Small

  On Aug 29th, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee voted through the draft of new tax law, setting the personal income tax threshold from 3500 to 5000($733) per month.

  In addition, as PCB factory china know that the new tax law added special tax deductions, special tax deductions, including expenses on children's education, continuing education, treatment for serious diseases, housing loan interest and rent, and caring for the elderly, easing tax burdens on individuals.

  The new tax threshold is set to take effect on Oct 1. Anyway, we all believe that the new income tax benefits us a lot, especially for the person whose income is lower 5000 yuan. 

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