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Health Care PCB Design Best Practices for Cost Savings

Article source:Editor:sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:922Dated :02-19-2022 05:13【big well Small

Design for excellence; that’s the goal. We engage your entire team early on, from procurement to health care PCB designers to supplier quality engineers, with our FAEs and site engineering teams. PCB-related design inputs can be beyond the board. 

They are not necessarily just about the PCB itself.  One also needs to take into consideration the end use application and reliability requirements of the product. While this approach may seem time-consuming, it will ultimately lead to a robust design, and most importantly, a long-term cost effective solution. Before you begin, you should ask yourself the following questions: 

  1. How is the PCB going to move through a pick-and-place machine in the assembly line? Will this require rails?
  2. How will assembly considerations put panel utilization at risk? 
  3. Are there any overhanging parts? How will these be handled during assembly?
  4. Will reliability be possibly compromised during PCBA process or end use application? 
  5. Can this PCB be read by a vision system?
  6. Are there thermal management considerations? 


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