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PCB manufacturer China : Chinese market remains untapped: industry insiders

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:2993Dated :02-15-2019 03:16【big well Small

Chinese companies should retain confidence despite the current unknown and complicated international environment, according to industry insiders.

Jiang Ying, Deloitte China vice-president, said that the Chinese market itself is of a large capacity with considerable untapped potential.

"Also the government has been prompting major initiatives, including the Belt and Road Initiative and the first China International Import Expo, providing companies with huge opportunities to develop," she said.

As PCB manufacturer China known that, Jiang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks at a seminar joined by members and deputies to the ongoing two sessions. China Entrepreneur, one of Economic Daily's magazine titles, held the seminar.

"Every difficulty is nurturing new opportunities. Opportunities are often reserved for those who have the broadest vision, the best preparation, and a willingness to believe in the future," said Yao Jinbo, 58.com CEO.

Zhou Hongyi, chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360, added that prudent expectations are conducive to reducing market volatility.

"For instance, venture capital heat is cooling down currently. The market now has more rational and calm voices, and the opportunity will born at this time," he said.


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